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Board Meeting - October 5, 2023


1. Call meeting to order; confirm quorum.

2. Approve minutes from Sept 7, 2023 PCSB meeting.

3. Executive Director informational updates.

4. PCSB application for funding under the Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grants to State Entities.

5. Eastern Panhandle Prep Academy financial outlook.

6. Possible executive session to discuss legal matters as provided in W. Va. Code §6-9A-4 [matters involving attorney client privilege per Peters v. County Commission, 205 W. Va. 481 (1999)].

7. The following PCSB meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2023.

8. Adjourn.

Minutes available here.

September 7

Board Meeting - September 7, 2023

October 19

Public Forum in Monongalia County